Gershy Uri - Mama Rachel (Cover)Feb 27, 2022 Gershy Uri - Mama Rachel (Cover)This week we cover two songs, both called Mama Rachel. One composed by Pinky Weber, the other by Yossi Gorvitz, originally sung by Shloime Daskal, and Shloime Gertner, respectivelyTo Download:Mp3Gershy Uri - Mama Rachel (Cover).mp3Download MP3 • 2.28MBMp4Gershy Uri - Mama Rachel (Cover).mp4Download MP4 • 13.32MBTo Watch:
Gershy Uri - Mama Rachel (Cover)This week we cover two songs, both called Mama Rachel. One composed by Pinky Weber, the other by Yossi Gorvitz, originally sung by Shloime Daskal, and Shloime Gertner, respectivelyTo Download:Mp3Gershy Uri - Mama Rachel (Cover).mp3Download MP3 • 2.28MBMp4Gershy Uri - Mama Rachel (Cover).mp4Download MP4 • 13.32MBTo Watch:
This song is insane, im obsessed... so emotional.
😉When will piano be an art..... not a profession😪
I think that gershy sings exellent but he should stop doing this ahhhhhh ( i MEAN GOING A MILION OCTAVES HIGH )
no words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
crazy singing gershi!!!!!!!!!!
😊loooove this song!!! keep going gershi!!!