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Hershy Weinberger Ft. Lipa Schmeltzer & Dovy Meisels - Yidden In America


Hershy Weinberger Ft. Lipa Schmeltzer & Dovy Meisels - Yidden In America

הערשי וויינבערגער, ליפא שמעלצער & דובי מייזעלס - אידן אין אמעריקע

At the wedding of his only child back in 1933, a local news station approached the holy Minchas Elazar, the Munkatcher Rebbe, in the hopes of conducting an interview. Dumbfounded by the sight of the large cameras and machinery, the Rebbe inquired and was told by his chassidim, "Rebbe, you can say something now and the Yidden in America will hear you!" Fascinated, the Rebbe jumped on the opportunity to share one important message, made up of just a few words - "I urge you, my dear brothers in America, observe Shabbos and things will go well for you!"

With the intention of infusing our generation with a renewed love of Shabbos, @hershyweinberger built a most powerful and inspiring melody around the Rebbe's words. Vocalists Hershy Weinberger, Dovy Meisels, Lipa Schmeltzer and the Yedidim Choir join together to bring this message to life. The results speak for themselves.

Composed By Hershy Weinberger

Music By Lipa Brach

Choir By The Yedidim Choir

To Download:


Hershy Weinberger Ft. Lipa Schmeltzer, Dovy Meisels - Yidden In America
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Hershy Weinberger Ft. Lipa Schmeltzer, Dovy Meisels - Yidden In America
Download MP4 • 90.86MB

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