HILARIOUS. Love it! Ach, "ka'eileh"! Not in general, but CULTURALLY ---- culturally, it's my fave part of being a yid... and runner-up: b'chag ha-ha-ha-hama-ha-tzois. Gan eden. And also B'nei beischa k'vahahahatechiheela. DOes he do that one in the song? I have to watch it again...
So funny 😂
Especially at the end. 🤣
Also love the beginning.
HILARIOUS. Love it! Ach, "ka'eileh"! Not in general, but CULTURALLY ---- culturally, it's my fave part of being a yid... and runner-up: b'chag ha-ha-ha-hama-ha-tzois. Gan eden. And also B'nei beischa k'vahahahatechiheela. DOes he do that one in the song? I have to watch it again...