beautiful beautiful song - he clearly meant that reb levi should answer us and be a meilitz yosher... no apikorsus... some poetic license please
22 Sep 2022
reb shaya ben reb moshe...
29 Agu 2022
I am not understanding. Can someone explain?
04 Sep 2022
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didn't mean. is still forbiden
22 Agu 2022
not only is this video insinuating that one should daven to rav Levi Yitzchok of Berdichev, therefore making the singer a kofer, an oved avoda zara, and a meisis, the song itself is mediocre at best and the video literally makes no sense. Motti Berkowitz should stick to Litvishe singers and Waterbury winter videos......IYKYK. this comment got really intense and I don't want people to think I'm a hater, I just wanted to make "reb" Leiby aware that his video is kinda against our religion and if I wasn't so addicted to my device I would smash it. (good DAY sir! (read in British accent))
01 Sep 2022
Membalas kepada
problem is this makes YOU an oved avoda zara urself...because u have technology....and dat is di ting dat is avoda zara...suggestion from the wise one:SMASH IT!!!
22 Agu 2022
this video is mamish apikorsus. it should be ELIKU d'reb levi yitzchak ben sarah sosha
beautiful beautiful song - he clearly meant that reb levi should answer us and be a meilitz yosher... no apikorsus... some poetic license please
reb shaya ben reb moshe...
I am not understanding. Can someone explain?
not only is this video insinuating that one should daven to rav Levi Yitzchok of Berdichev, therefore making the singer a kofer, an oved avoda zara, and a meisis, the song itself is mediocre at best and the video literally makes no sense. Motti Berkowitz should stick to Litvishe singers and Waterbury winter videos......IYKYK. this comment got really intense and I don't want people to think I'm a hater, I just wanted to make "reb" Leiby aware that his video is kinda against our religion and if I wasn't so addicted to my device I would smash it. (good DAY sir! (read in British accent))
this video is mamish apikorsus. it should be ELIKU d'reb levi yitzchak ben sarah sosha