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Motty Ilowitz, Shira Choir & Yingerlich Boys Choir - Shevach Vehoda'ah Presentation (Live - Vocal)


Motty Ilowitz, Shira Choir & Yingerlich Boys Choir - Shevach Vehoda'ah Presentation (Live - Vocal)

מאטי אילאוויטש, מקהלת שירה ומקהלת ילדים יונגערליך - שבח והודאה פרעזענטאציע

(לייוו - ווקאלי)

With Child Soloist Yehuda Zilberberg

Performed At A Event For The Chaim Medical Resource Organization

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Motty Ilowitz, Shira Choir & Yingerlich Boys Choir - Shevach Vehoda'ah Presentation (Live - Vocal)
Download MP3 • 27.42MB


Motty Ilowitz, Shira Choir & Yingerlich Boys Choir - Shevach Vehoda'ah Presentation (Live - Vocal)
Download MP4 • 85.66MB

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