Shmueli Ungar - Chasdei HashemSep 20, 2022 Shmueli Ungar - Chasdei Hashemשמילי אונגר - חסדי השםComposed By Hershy WeinbergerArranged By Eli Klein & Yitzy BerryCover Design By Yanky PerlTo Download:Shmueli Ungar - Chasdei Hashem.mp3Download MP3 • 6.31MBTo Listen: #Shmueliungar
Shmueli Ungar - Chasdei Hashemשמילי אונגר - חסדי השםComposed By Hershy WeinbergerArranged By Eli Klein & Yitzy BerryCover Design By Yanky PerlTo Download:Shmueli Ungar - Chasdei Hashem.mp3Download MP3 • 6.31MBTo Listen: #Shmueliungar
So far one of by favorite songs of Shmuli, right after Ma Yisron from his first album.
Shmili i love you!! xxx buitiful so nice and musical!!
ב'''ה שוין נישט ביי נפתלי משה עס איז הערליך קלאר די וואקלס נישט נערמאל שיין
Beautiful just beautiful