Sruly Green Ft. Motty Wiesel, Yoely Klein & Shaya Gross - BaleilosJun 15, 2024 Sruly Green Ft. Motty Wiesel, Shaya Gross & Yoely Klein - Baleilosשראלי גרין, מאטי וויזל, שייע גראס ויואלי קליין - בלילותComposed & Lyrics By Sruly GreenMusic By Yanky posenTo Download:Sruly Green Ft. Motty Wiesel, Shaya Gross and Yoely Klein - Baleilos.mp3Download MP3 • 5.88MBTo Listen:
Sruly Green Ft. Motty Wiesel, Shaya Gross & Yoely Klein - Baleilosשראלי גרין, מאטי וויזל, שייע גראס ויואלי קליין - בלילותComposed & Lyrics By Sruly GreenMusic By Yanky posenTo Download:Sruly Green Ft. Motty Wiesel, Shaya Gross and Yoely Klein - Baleilos.mp3Download MP3 • 5.88MBTo Listen:
In my opinion, it seems that we are somewhat misusing the concept of a song. I used to believe that a song should convey a meaningful message, but this song (and many that come like ants after rain )feels empty and lacks substance.
Nice concept. Thumbs up...!