zusha nailed it!!!!!! sing this song in a quiet dark room room, its magic!!!!
24 feb 2022
גייטס אלע ווי די פעפער וואקסט...
24 feb 2022
Reageren op
what do you mean faffer vakst...
15 feb 2022
the song is amazing its really musical! ❤️ the video is cute but there is no connection between the lyrics and the video because the words are very powerful and video is decreasing it into a very low standard
zusha nailed it!!!!!! sing this song in a quiet dark room room, its magic!!!!
גייטס אלע ווי די פעפער וואקסט...
the song is amazing its really musical! ❤️ the video is cute but there is no connection between the lyrics and the video because the words are very powerful and video is decreasing it into a very low standard
u prob whatch moveis
whats the deal with the mime?