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Shulem Lemmer

Summer Tour 2024 - that’s a wrap! It was so incredible to connect with so many of you!

Summer Tour 2024 - that’s a wrap! It was so incredible to connect with so many of you!
Summer Tour 2024 - that’s a wrap! It was so incredible to connect with so many of you!

Summer Tour 2024 - that’s a wrap! It was so incredible to connect with so many of you!

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Kol Zman - Shulem Lemmer ft. Hershy Rottenberg | כל זמן - שלום למר והערשי רוטנברג

Kol Zman - Shulem Lemmer ft. Hershy Rottenberg | כל זמן - שלום למר והערשי רוטנברג

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God Bless America With a Yiddish Twist - Shulem | גאט בענטש אמעריקע - שלום למר

God Bless America With a Yiddish Twist - Shulem | גאט בענטש אמעריקע - שלום למר

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Singing and dancing with the Mirrer Rosh Yeshiva—these moments capture the joy & spirit of Torah!

Singing and dancing with the Mirrer Rosh Yeshiva—these moments capture the joy & spirit of Torah!

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Nothing compares to seeing the devastation in person. I am forever changed. We must never forget.

Nothing compares to seeing the devastation in person. I am forever changed. We must never forget.

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Am Yisroel is as chai as ever! 🙌

Am Yisroel is as chai as ever! 🙌

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We can find comfort in Dovid HaMelech's tefilla for good years to match the years of suffering.

We can find comfort in Dovid HaMelech's tefilla for good years to match the years of suffering.

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Some “Fiddler” music to send your energy right “On” and through “the Roof”!

Some “Fiddler” music to send your energy right “On” and through “the Roof”!

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Dreaming of The Perfect Dream… 💭

Dreaming of The Perfect Dream… 💭

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Even in the night, there’s always a glimmer of hope, a tiny spark that will outshine the darkness.

Even in the night, there’s always a glimmer of hope, a tiny spark that will outshine the darkness.

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“G-d Bless America” in Yiddish for @CoryBooker! 🇺🇸

“G-d Bless America” in Yiddish for @CoryBooker! 🇺🇸

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Breathe in, breathe out and let the music flow 😮‍💨🎶 ​⁠@Beri

Breathe in, breathe out and let the music flow 😮‍💨🎶 ​⁠@Beri

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My Way - Live! | Shulem | Heichal Hatarbut, TLV

My Way - Live! | Shulem | Heichal Hatarbut, TLV

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Love could never be wrong. It’s always a good time to embrace each other, no matter our differences.

Love could never be wrong. It’s always a good time to embrace each other, no matter our differences.

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Some more from the Warsaw dressing room… @chazanaar #yerushalayimshelzahav #ירושליםשלזהב

Some more from the Warsaw dressing room… @chazanaar #yerushalayimshelzahav #ירושליםשלזהב

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For a galus so long, I envision the shofar shel Moshiach to be at least this size… @GolecOrkiestra

For a galus so long, I envision the shofar shel Moshiach to be at least this size… @GolecOrkiestra

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